Public Enemy

It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (1988)

1 - Countdown to Armageddon - 00.00

2 - Bring the Noise - 1.41

3 - Don't Believe the Hype - 3.27

4 - Cold Lampin' with Flavor - 10.47

5 - Terminator X to the Edge of Panic - 15.04

6 - Mind Terrorist -19.36

7 - Louder Than a Bomb - 20.57

8 - Caught, Can We Get a Witness? - 24.35 

9 - Show 'Em Whatcha Got - 29.28

10 - She Watch Channel Zero?! - 31.25

11 - Night of the Living Baseheads - 35.14

12 - Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos - 38.29

13 - Security of the First World - 44.51

14 - Rebel Without a Pause - 46.13

15 - Prophets of Rage - 51.15

16 - Party for Your Right to Fight - 54.34